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“I think one of these days you’ll find that the reason you write is because you have galaxies in your head and stars as your thoughts that shine so brightly they have to be shared with others.”



The English Department at Bembrooke University is in trouble and so is 4th year student Fallon Ford. The department is losing students and funding. And Fallon, who has never had an issue with her writing ever in her life, is suddenly drawing a blank. It also doesn't help that Fallon's student advisor happens to be the one person she'd rather never face again - Dane O’Leary, post-grad teaching intern and pain in her ass.



Through a wild turn of events involving a stack of lost old love letters, Fallon and Dane embark on a journey to save the English Department, Fallon's future career, and potentially an old friendship.

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Extra Scenes

Novelty is 390 pages long, but the first draft was over 600+ pages. Here you can find some of the cut scenes, extra scenes, and even a few alternate epilogues and endings that I messed around with during the eight editing revisions while writing.

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Dane's Prequel

What happened before Novelty? What was going through Dane's head while he was in New York? We didn't get as long a time with the New York characters as we did with everyone else in Novelty, but that doesn't mean they're any less special. This prequel (coming soon) will be from Dane's perspective as he leaves for New York and leaves Fallon behind

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There are quite a lot of characters in Novelty. Need a refresher on who, what, when and where? Check out the little bios of each character and learn more about them on this page. You can also here find fan art from readers and other behind-the-scenes insights.

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